Time Management

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88 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 1h06min.
LEARN TO MASTER TIME AND BEING SUPER PRODUCTIVE FOR ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS AND SUCCESS YOU DESERVE!The method you are about to learn can work extremely quickly to eradicate old procrastination habits and effortlessly boost your productivity and success... in as little as one week!Do you find yourself unable to resist any temptations that waste your time?Do you want to strengthen your willpower and build solid habits that boost productivity?You're in luck because "Time Management" by Steve Martin is just the audiobook you need!If you're ready to discover the best strategies to master your time, increase productivity, and conquer any goals you set you're in the right place!Using this powerful audiobook, you will:- Improve focus and become more productive by honing your ability to concentrate on your most urgent tasks- Harness the power of the "Pomodoro Technique" to overcome procrastination and maximize your productivity- Organize your priorities and master the art of scheduling in a few easy steps without burning yourself out- Learn how to successfully and efficiently delegate your tasks- Effectively counteract stress so you can live a balanced, productive life and tick off your goals one by oneAnd MUCH more!It's never too late, GET THIS AUDIOBOOK NOW and start ingraining solid habits and strategies that will help you achieve your goals faster!

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